Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Hearts Desire Blk 3. Garden

Hi everyone,
Thanks for dropping in.  Been slow progress on Block 3, no really good excuse, just been lazy.  However it is progressing, one bite at a time.

I feel even more lethargic than usual having been up since 4.30am to take someone to the airport.  I will feel more like sewing tomorrow.  Meanwhile l am using my water soluble glue called Pritt Stick to secure my turn under seam.  I really prefer this method, l never really felt happy with raw edge applique, sewing by machine actually stresses me out, whilst hand sewing is so much more relaxing.

Picture for you, all are turned under now.  Last picture shows it finished Yay!

I have also included my three finished blocks

This is a beautiful pattern by  Esther Aliu called Hearts Desire and it can be purchased here:

Look at the top of the page in her pattern shop, this one is in her BOM Quilts


I have some Garden pictures to show you.  I have grown some Jacaranda trees from seed and those are really flourishing
They are tHe ones in the front with the fern like leaves.  They have the most beautiful drop type blue/purple  flowers.

Some more but they were taken in the evening, we have been promised rain and it really looks like it.  Glad at last we are getting rain and you may think thats strange, but rain has been very rare we are having problems as our Well has dried up, it did that at the beginning of August.  So we have been buying our water in, its non drinkable so we have to treat it.

My Orchids are just beginning to bud, they always look so sad with dead looking stalks, then suddenly a glimmer of life and buds appear, when they bloom l will post pictures, l love Orchids, l think they are my favourite flowers.  I found a gorgeous deep blue one, how l wish l had bought it, the price put me off .

Ok thats enough for this week

Now l am linking to Esther's WOW 


Next week the recipe for my Indian Mango Pickle


  1. Hi Ellie, Love you colourful flowers. Are those purply ones bougainvilea?. Love the colour. We were given three jacarand trees grown from seed about 7 years ago. They are taller than the house now and the blooms are wonderful!! Hope you got the promised rain, here it was torrntial for an hour, then steady most of the day yesterday. Everywhere looks so much better for it. Now the sun's out you could forget how much it rained, it's all dry again. Funny you should mention glue for your applique, I have been testing that with a soluble "paper" stabiliser I got from the US ages ago, and I really like the result. Haven't stitched it yet, will try that later. Hope it's not too firm to stitch through, will let you know. It really does disintegrate when wet, no need to remove when the applique piece is pressed so will not leave the quilt stiff when finished and laundered. Have a good week.

    1. Hi Rachel, well you have given me hope that l will see them bloom in my lifetime lol. I thought they would take years and years to grow that tall and bloom. Oh we had a beauty of a thunderstorm it started about 7.30am and lasted 2 hrs. The thunder echod round the mountains and there was no gap between the bangs and bangs they were, bit scary. We had rain last night too, no damage this time, last March cost us 1300E it blew the gate mechanism off the wall and blew 1 of 3 phases out plus the freezer was capute. This time no electric and no internet for the whole morning, joys of the countryside l suppose.
      I told most of the club l was using glue, one member nearly had a hissy fit lol. Its great way of doing it. Next block started, but no glue this time just needle turn. Great you are getting stuck in. Of course you can always do a blind hem stitch using invisible thread.
      The purple ones are bouganville, btw and l have found out that you can grow from a cutting, how good is that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Rachel how old were the pkants when you got them, do you know. The Jacarandas l mean
