Hi everyone.....long wait, sorry.
We got back from NEC Birmingham, very happy, such a long journey, but we made it safely despite our Navigation System on the car being fried with incredible temperatures as we drove through Madrid. It reached 44C , and poor old Flossy (name for the SatNav) just gave up the ghost. We eventually got her working on and off, the main thing was finding the hotels we had booked in France which was particularly difficult. Flossy forgot to tell us 3 times we had reached our destination, it was so frustrating. We have purchased a new one.
Capricho won a Highly Commended at the Show. So my Quilting friend Patti and l were over the moon. This award equates to HM in the USA.
Picture for you.
There were some fabulous quilts there over 1,400 on show.
Farm Business
Yesterday and today, and probably tomorrow we will be finishing off picking our crop of mangoes. This year is our biggest crop, over 240 boxes and our farm is not so large.
We had a few fallers so decided to make Mango Wine, supposedly a dry white, very pleasant brew. We have 42 Litres bubbling away.
This was the start of it, we have to wait for some time for the results, 6 months to 1 year. Hope all the hard work was worth it.
I got fed up making pickles, so this was the next best thing.
Hearts Desire by Esther Aliu.
I prepped a lot of pieces for this and one other block, to take with me on the car journey from Spain to England.
I did manage to sew all the leaves down and stems, but the flowers and vase remain to be done.
2nd block progress |
The material on the right is my the contrast for scallops and triangles still to come.
Ribbon Tutorial
I will return to this, so l ask your patience in the meantime. Time has just not permitted. Thank you