Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Quilt Progress and tutoriol. Making a Fuschia

Well, first of all l apologize for missing last week, life just got in the way.

Here is a another of my silk ribbon embroideries, its called Ballerina at Rest.  I made the tiny ballet shoe just 1/2" long from a piece of silk.  Each of the Kala lily flowers on the piano are hand made.

I have been working on Secret Garden and Love Entwined, both from Esther Aliu designs.  Progress

Secret Garden

Corner block

Two made 2 more still to go, my progress has been slow l have also been working on LE

And Edging

I love the fact this is a mystery.  I have no idea where the tiny trellis type blocks will go and for that reason have not finished mine as l plan some silk ribbon trailing flowers, so this is to be continued...


I came across these blocks.  I must have started those about 5 years day.....  l have to say my photographic skills are lacking.  There is a lot of embroidery on these blocks still to do.  Its part of the Art Noveau Garden quilt.


These paintings were done several years ago, they are oils.  I found it a messy medium to work in.....probably because l am messy

This is called Poppies in a Brass Pot

This is my idea of a watercolour only l did it in oils, Gladioli

TUTORIAL - Silk Ribbon Fuschia

To begin your flower, thread your needle as shown. In the second tutorial.

Now you will need to measure a   3 1/2"   piece of ribbon, cut the length.  With tiny stitches along the top of your ribbon, starting with a back stitch, no knot and using thread, continue to the end and gently pull up the thread till you have your piece like this finish with a back stitch to secure it and put aside.

Next we need to make the flower.
Using a pink ribbon 7mm wide, make 3 loop petals as shown.  Simply hold your ribbon straight and pull your first ribbon stitch through, go down at the front of the stitch and gently pull your thread through till you get a loop.

When you have completed the loops take your ribbon too the back, cut and using a needle and thread secure with a couple of tiny stitches through your ribbon ends.
Next secure the loops with a tiny stitch through your loop, in the middle as shown

Return to your gathered piece, the above pic shows your piece before gathering and after.  Carefully place this on top of your just made petals and using tiny stitches secure it at the beginning and the end of your 3 loops.
Like so in the picture.

Now we need to secure the frill by the edge and where your frill naturally lies on your fabric.  Using two or three very small stitches, for a natural look. Secure all along the top of the frill and then just one or two tiny stitches, where the frill meets the cloth, so it looks natural.

Now we need to make the Sepals.  Using embroidery thread.  Come up under your petal and use a long stitch bring it down and then back up through your material and finish with a french knot.

Next week we will finish the "N"
So your piece looks like this

Thats all for this week, hope you enjoy making this flower.
Remember practise makes perfect as in all things.

Now l am linking to WOW

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Welcome to Quilts, Fiestas, & Living in Spain

Welcome back...the weeks just seem to fly past and July is nearly here. Its been very hot, with temperatures by the pool side hitting 41C in the shade.  Most days have been around the 35 to 37C mark, unusual for June, these are August temperatures.  August is the tine when most of the really large companies close, especially those in the Madrid area which is known as the "cooking pot" of Spain.  Streets have fine sprays of water above to help cool everyone.  I turned my cold water tap on and it ran very hot for a good while, they don't bury the pipes very deep so the water gets hot in the ground.
Its Fiesta time here in June, with many of the quaint "pueblos blancos" (white villages) holding there own special event.  The women dress in their beautiful flamenco dresses and the children too are dressed up.  Their hair shining with the olive oil, with a flower and large comb at the back. No outfit would be complete without a  Albaneca  (fan).  The children learn to dance from around 3 or 4 yrs old normally the girls, but boys are taught to.  The hand movements and flashing eyes take many years to perfect. Music to these dances is normally with a guitar and a special drum.  The flamenco dresses are extremely heavy and very expensive.
I am sharing a video this week, showing a beautiful village called Frigliana.
You tube  Romeria de Frigliana 2017 (pasa calles)

If you Google this you will see the quaint village with beautiful paved streets, the dancing, the flamenco dresses and the horses. They are carrying San Antonio through the streets with bullocks pulling the brightly decorated carts.  I hope you enjoy.  The streets are narrow and hilly.

A few pictures of quilts l have made


Mystery Bom by Esther Aliu called Secret Garden

This week l am unable to share the promised Fuschia silk ribbon tutorial.  I am sorry, unforeseen problems.

Hope you enjoy this weeks photographs, please leave a message to let me know you visited.

Until next week
Hasta pronto  Ellie
I am linking to WOW Esther Aliu blogspot